More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com
"Kidsino.com" To Debut In January

TIJUANA, MEXICO - Last Tuesday, millionaire Internet tycoon, Sombrero Villichez unveiled plans to debut the first online casino marketed towards children. According to Villichez, this vast market has gone untapped for far too long.

Every year, sales figures reveal that kids have more and more disposable income. Paper routes, lawn mowing, baby sitting – billions of non-taxable dollars worth of work flows to minors. Until now, kids have only been able to squander the money on video games, baseball cards, and other useless garbage.


"If you think about it, kids already gamble all the time,” states Villichez. "They invest in gaming cards and other things that will probably never pay back in any way. We’re giving them a chance to turn pocket change into big cash.”

Kidsino.com is set to open with child-friendly versions of all the classic casino games including "Poker-mon” (7-card stud). Also included are for-money versions of old schoolhouse games like hangman where kids up the bet every time players guess a letter.

When asked about the timing of the casino’s debut, Villichez glibly remarked that it’s ideal timing with all the money relatives give children over the holidays.

If Kidsino.com earns a profit in 2004, Villichez plans to release kid-friendly porn site YoungHussla.com in 2005.

Written by Faux-Newz Staff Writer

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