More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com
BREAKING NEWS: Man's Wife Asks if she 'Looks Fat', Scrotum Still Intact.

FAYETTEVILLE, NC - Late Friday night, Doug Rhoades found himself going down a road that every husband has to travel, sooner or later.  His wife June, asked if she looked “fat."
Doug has witnessed this scenario several times, but has never been especially targeted. Initially, Doug panicked:
"Seriously, what the fuck was I supposed to say?”  He said.  “If I go with constructive criticism, I'm liable to lose custody of the kids, if you know what I mean.  And if I try to change the subject well...Has that ever worked?"
So what did Doug do?
"The worst part is,” Doug explained, “ I am not able to breathe, and I can't hesitate, so to buy more time, I pretend to sneeze.  Sneezing didn't buy enough time, so I pretended as if I hadn't heard while blowing my nose.  She was buying it, I was totally fucking in the clear.”
Then, June asked again, “Do I look fat?”
Doug was ready, this time.  He said, “You look beautiful.

Fat Wife
"No, really, I could
mount you right now."

“Really? You don't think I gained a few pounds?” June asked.
“You look fine,” Doug responded. “I love you. Want to go out to eat?”
'Yeah, how about that... blahblahblah (editor’s note: unknown dialogue between two said freaks),” she went on.
He had done it. He managed to escape unscathed.
"I think it was the second part. First I reassured her, then I said I loved her, then I offered to FEED her, which enhanced the idea that her blowing up like a fucking whale hasn't bothered me at all,"  Doug finished.

Written by Faux-Newz Staff Writer

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