More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com
Russell Paika’s Thanksgiving Tips!

Howdy! Happy Thanksgiving! It may be a bit early, but how would you be able to prepare your delectable holiday feast without the wisdom of your ever-trustworthy Professor Paika?

Let me tell you, holiday family gatherings can be quite stressful, especially if your family has the charm and grace of an ammonia puck. You know what I mean: the snippy answers, the cold stares, the violent stabbing motions. This should be a time of peace and gratitude! Let’s see what Professor Paika’s got in his bag to make your Thanksgiving Holiday less bloody than his!

* If you have a large family, make sure you are all Republicans. For some reason this works.

This Has Nothing To Do With The Story,
I Just Felt Like Adding It Here.

* Wear a Cliff Huxtable sweater. This makes you look more thankful.

* Go to the bathroom right about the time the family is arguing over who gets to carve the turkey. This will prevent the embarrassment and chaos that ensues when a buffoon like you operates an electric turkey carver. If you are the bright child in a buffoonish family, take half of them with you.

* Sometimes you will be inclined to take a date to your Thanksgiving dinner. This is perfectly acceptable, as turkey isn’t quite enough to sate the blood-thirst of your younger siblings.

* Stuffing is undoubtedly boring, and frequently tiring. When stuffing the turkey, try to enthuse yourself. Scream racial epithets and thinly veiled sexual innuendo throughout the process. It may unnerve the neighbors but hey, delicious turkey.

* I’ve never understood cranberry sauce, but then again, I’ve never understood Thanksgiving. Give it all you got, including hallucinogens.

* There will be the inevitable football game. This is a good time that some people might give you shit for enjoying. Revisit the electric turkey carver. Deadly logic will ensue.

* If you fall asleep before the game, be sure to lie face down.

* Finally, when you are done chanting to the God of Overly-Greased Poultry, take a chance to remember what Thanksgiving’s all about. Sale at Circuit-City tomorrow. Bring a weapon.

* If you are one of the few brave souls who decide to prepare a Turducken this Thanksgiving, I strongly advise that you have professional turkey restrainers on hand during the entire course of the stuffing process.

Written by Faux-Newz Staff Writer
Russell Paika

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