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By thamike.com
Bush Administration Files Lawsuit Against University Professor

WASHINGTON D.C. - The successful landing and subsequent high resolution photographs captured by NASA’s Spirit Rover on the surface of Mars was supposed to represent a pinnacle achievement for the United States space program. That success however, has become mired in turmoil.

The Spirit Rover completed its 105 million mile journey to the red planet on Tuesday, January 6, and began to transmit the most detailed pictures ever seen of the Martian surface. President Bush was quick to congratulate the team of scientists involved in the program, calling the mission a “reconfirmation of the American spirit of exploration.”

Bush & NASA Team During Happier Times

Jim Bell of Cornell University, the central scientific mind on the rover camera team, stated thereafter, that “my reaction has been one of shock and awe.” The Bush administration was less than pleased by Professor Bell’s choice of words.

“We coined the term ‘shock and awe’ in relation to the highly skilled strategery we unleashed against Saddam Hussein in the second Gulf War,” said President Bush on January 8. “I don’t really appreciate some egghead appropriating it for his own press interviews.”

Although Bell quickly apologized for his statement, the Bush administration has instigated legal action for the infringement of their copyrighted catchphrase. The President refuses to comment further on the matter, a result of feeling betrayed, according to government officials.

“I would do anything to change what I said,” contended Professor Bell on Friday. “If I could go back I would have said my reaction was one of astonishment and wonder, distress and reverence, alarm and trepidation, anything but what I said. I never meant to hurt the President’s feelings, I’m just a scientist.”

Written by Faux-Newz Staff Writer

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