More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com
Creu's Crisis Center

My Two Fuckin Cents
(Editor's note: spelling and grammar have not been corrected in this column,
for fear of physical retribution and/or creepy hate mail)

Ok the Holidays are over and I‚m really fucking irritated.

Let's begin this week with the fucking losers who play their goddamn daily numbers and big fours and whatever else the state dreamed up for these easy targets to play.

I hate you people. Once in a while is great to play. The thought of winning big and taking a chance. But not every fucking day 25 to 50 dollars worth of tickets. Give me a break. Worse yet is you have to play all your numbers all 180 of them right before the numbers go off some I have to wait for ever in the store for you to rattle off these god forsaken numbers. Then you have enough nerve to look at me like I am the asshole when I get taken care of first. Fuck you and your numbers.

How often do you really win? And what could you have done with that money if you saved it or didn‚t play. You waste my time and everyone else you come in contact with. All I need to get is some soda or cigarettes and I have to wait for 15 minutes for you to tell some fucking retard you sons, daughters, moms, dads and the fucking mailman‚s birth dates for the fucking power ball. NO-ONE CARES ABOUT YOU.


On paper that‚s what you sound like. A fucking adding machine. Go add up how much your family has missed out on and hates your addicting ass. I can guarantee your wife or husband can‚t stand when you do this and your kids probable could use some knew shoes. That is unless you already lost your other half, or have no kids. Then did you ever think about why you‚re alone and childless?

You really just piss me off. I hate having to wait for you faggots all serious and shit reciting out numbers. Then have to wait for you to check them all out to make sure Mr. Habib typed them in right.

What would make me happier then shit is if you would win the big one 80 million dollars and as soon as you collect it you drop dead. And your wife and kids get paid for dealing with an addicted loser.

So keep on playing and holding me up while I‚m in line after working 15 today and I‚m just trying to get milk for my kids and get home. Cause the next time you hold me up and look at me like I‚m the asshole, I am going to introduce you to yours.


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