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By thamike.com
Abercrombie And Fitch Accused Of Discrimination

The remarkably fraternally-fantastic clothing store, Abercrombie and Fitch, has been the target of criticism over the past several years.  The trend-embracing monolith has been accused of discriminating against minorities, the overweight, ugly people, and fat ugly minorities.
The initial probe into the business practice of Abercrombie came on the heels of a public outcry that the store did not employ anyone who was not blonde-haired and blue-eyed, and at least six feet tall.  At the time, a spokesperson for the store said, “That’s preposterous.  I can assure you that we have brunettes working in our retail establishment.”

Arbeit Macht Frei

Shortly thereafter, a variety of different people started appearing in Abercrombie stores as employees, but their presence was kept to a minimum.  As retail merchants gear up for the Christmas season, many of these employees are coming forward and accusing Abercrombie and Fitch of discrimination.

“They deliberately cut my hours,” said college student Susan Yang.  “They told me they just didn’t have enough hours for me to work the floor, but I found out that’s just not the case.  My manager actually told me that I look too Asian to be working at Abercrombie, and I should find another job.”
The president of the retail giant, Henry Himmler, seemed to take the accusations in stride.  “We at Abercrombie and Fitch are sick of defending ourselves against cry-baby minorities and the like.  I don’t have to explain myself or my business practices to anyone, especially fat and ugly people.  Do you hear me?  Achtung!”

Written by Faux-Newz Staff Writer

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