More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com
Bush Announces New Plan To Lower Taxes

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, President Bush announced that, despite overwhelming deficits on the local, state and national levels, he plans to introduce tax reductions for all income brackets in 2004. Supporters (a.k.a. rich friends of GWB’s dad) are heralding the President as the second coming. Those opposed are calling for his head on a pike, claiming the announcement is nothing more than a ploy to get back all the lost popularity he can before the next election.
How does his highness plan to make this outlandish claim possible? Tax kids.

“This is a vast, untapped resource,” Bush read from his teleprompter (only pausing for a minute to sound out all the letters in “resource”). “For far too long, this over- overwhe- really big segment of the population has gone untaxed.

The Poor Bastards Don't
Even See It Coming

Every year, they spend millions of disposable dollars on music, clothing, and other non-necessities.  I mean, right now they’re only paying sales tax, imagine if we started collecting even a small portion of those allowance and odd-job dollars.”
While it remains to be seen if congress will allow such a proposal to pass, it’s generally accepted that any time you gather a bunch of money-grubbing bastards and give them a chance to fist some undeserving sap for some cash, they will swarm his wallet like sharks smelling blood.

Written by Faux-Newz Staff Writer

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