More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com
Paika For President!

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to formally introduce myself. My name is Russell Paika and I am running for President of the United States.

I am not affiliated with any party that you know of, except for the one on 42nd and 6th July 1999, and I have already atoned for that lack of good judgment. My platform is this: This Country Needs Change. Very badly. And we promise we’ll only use it to buy a sandwich.

I decided to join the race, one Sunday morning while perusing The Times. I happened upon an article describing how Howard Dean built his wife out of spare parts taken from cadavers, and it moved me. I must admit, I have been lonely for some time, so I decided to give this a try.

I soon realized that the quickest “legal” way to be able to afford such an undertaking, would be to start a “grassroots” presidential campaign. Needless to say things got more complicated than I thought they would.

First of all, I realized that my country and the people who live in it, even if they snuck in, are very important to me. Here I was, trying to build a woman out of corpse pieces under the guise of a presidential campaign, when my real salvation lay right in front of me! Nuts to my bride! America needs me!

"Vote For Me Fucknuts!"
Paika With The Sandwich

Our current administration doesn’t realize that it has not stood by itsconvictions. President Bush claims to be tough on the war on terrorism, revolutionary in domestic healthcare policy, and a true leader when it comes to educational and economic growth. But what has he really done?

Are all Islamic extremists dead or missing as he promised in 2001? There are a good 25% of them still lurking in the world, waiting to strike. I will not sit by as Mr. Bush and Mr. Ashcroft neglect to bar-code the scalps of our nations youth. We must know the movements of everybody at all times within our nation. This is why I intend to fully implement a law that makes any existing illegal immigrants citizens and/or legal immigrant laborers. That way they can be properly bar-coded and tracked as well. Our homeland will not be safe until we know who we are dealing with.
Our healthcare policy is in shambles. Mr. Bush promised to wean senior citizens away from prescription drugs long ago, yet they continue to abuse them at an alarming rate. Will Florida, with it’s overwhelming senior population, be a viable electorate state come Novemeber? Not if those drug peddling geezers down there continue their lives of sin. I assure you that if you elect me president, Florida will be sold to Halliburton, a corporation with no known political ties, or aspirations for global monopoly.

Bush has instituted his “No Child Left Behind” program, yet children who test poorly are not being expelled at the rates that the current administration haspromised. These derelicts still plague our nation’s schools with their dancing and carousing and what have you. How can our educational system advance itself when students are testing badly, I ask you? These children should be put to work where they belong, on the streets, so that children who are ready to get on The Good Ship America can advance themselves.

Bush started his presidency with an economic stimulus package which awarded American workers with a check for $300 in exchange for their jobs. It should have been $600, and I promise to deliver that missing $300 to you, assuming you still have an address, by July 2008. You will be eligible to receive this check only if you have been working for the same employer since April 2000.

Mr. Bush has made many promises, and has not kept them. The Democrats have made many promises, but have not made any attempt to be elected. So I promise you, The American People, that I will keep my promises. I really, really mean it. Vote Paika For Prez in 2004.

God Bless The Homeland.


Written by Faux-Newz Staff Writer
Russell Paika

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