More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com

When I saw this week that Tha Mike was going to write a story about his recent sinus surgery, I decided maybe this was the best opportunity for me to actually interview someone of at least some sort of importance, for me to have an idea of what to write about and for us to kill two birds with one stone.

Here are 2 summaries of what happened to him posted on thamike.com…



So with the magic of this odd little doo-hickey called e-mail over the past few days I have compiled my interview with Tha Mike.


T - Hey man! What’s going on? Are you feeling any better yet.

TM - Yeah. A little, thanks for asking. Talk to you later.

T - You’re not going to make this easy on me are you?

TM - What? Oh, this is your little “interview” idea you had. Ok, fire away.

T - Thanks, your tone sounds like you think I’m an idiot. First question, why did you decide to get this sinus surgery?

TM - I don’t “think” you’re an idiot Trogs. I decided to get the surgery because over the course of the last 12 years I’ve had my nose broken about 7 times and each time my septum got knocked out of whack worse and worse. It got to the point that I couldn’t even breath out of one side of my nose.

T - What exactly did they do to you?

TM - Well basically they put me asleep and went up through my nose and dug around and did all kinds of painful shit. They cut some tissue and membrane out and then they broke my septum back into place. They also basically scraped out all my sinus cavities as well.

T - Did it hurt?

TM - No, I was asleep. When I woke up in the recovery room I was pretty drugged up so I was cool. Shit started getting bad after I returned home.

T - What happened?

TM - Well I got home and laid around for a while out of it, and my mom and a “special someone” took care of me and kept and eye on me and all that. Around 9pm my nose still didn’t stop bleeding. The doctor said that it would drain a little but it was gushing the whole time I was home.

T - What did you do?

TM - Well my mom called the doc and he said it was ok and to put a cold compress on my head and if it didn’t stop in an hour to take me to the emergency room. It didn’t so we went. I got there and they had to have the doctor come in and see me. When they did the surgery they left stints and stuffing in my nose to keep things straight for the next week. Well he had to leave those in and pack even more into my nose. The bleeding slowed a little and they kept me overnight for observation. Every hour on the hour they gave me a shot of Delauton to kill the pain. In the morning I went home, but continued to bleed until I was told to go back to the hospital 2 days later.

T - Was this dope you were on good?

TM -Hell yeah, it’s like Morphine and Demoral combined times 20. I had no fucking worries in the world and everything was wonderful.

T - So you went back to the hospital again you said?

TM - Yeah and they just kept adding stuffing in my nose it was getting more and more painful as time went on. I was back in the hospital for the same thing the next night as well.

T - Initially how long was it supposed to take for you to feel better?

TM - The doctor told me the day after surgery I would be fine, no problems or bleeding.

T - Well I guess he was wrong.

TM - Well it’s not really his fault. To make this long story short, I bleed constantly until when I went back to the doctors a week after surgery and they removed veering. It felt like he was pulling out my brains. He told me that he felt so bad for me all week and that if I would have requested he would have kept me in the hospital for the whole week and I could have gotten those pain shots the whole time. He also said that I was the only person in the thousands of people he performed this surgery on that got the way I did. When I saw him earlier in the week I told him I wanted to punch him in the face and break his nose. He told me the day he took everything out, he understood and wouldn’t had taken it personally.

T - So are you back to 100% yet?

TM - No not really, I’m slowly getting better. Getting my blood count back up and my strength back. I’ve finally have been able to get up and around and go back to work, which by the end of the day is killing me.

T - So is everything done yet?

TM - No I have to go back in a few days and get all the packing taken out of my sinuses, then that “should” be it. We’ll see. I mean right now I just feel like I have a bad head cold or a sinus infection. I shall live though.

T - Where you on any good pain killers at home?

TM - Oh hell yeah, I was on a mix of Percoset, Vicodin and T3.

T - Anything you’d like to add?

TM - Actually, yeah. I would like to thank again everyone who stood by, helped or took care of me through this whole mess. Thamikers on thamike.com sent in tons of e-mail to me a posted many well wishes on the site. I just want everyone to know it meant a lot to me.

T - OK That’s All Folks…


Written by Faux-Newz Staff Writer

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