More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com
The Pissing And Moaning Of Christ - By Gary @ TSHIRTHELL.com

Just when you thought Mel Gibson couldn't make a bigger
turd than "Lethal Weapon IV",  he drops this one.  And all of the Jews are pissed off because he's telling everybody that they killed God.  Now let's think about it.  That's not so bad is it?  I would think the Jews would want this movie highly circulated in the Muslim world, with the obvious threat being, "If you guys don't back off, we'll kill your God, too.  Then you get no 70 virgins, no paradise, no nothing." Anyone who can kill God is one bad motherfucker.

But let's not forget that Jesus rose from the dead AND ascended to a throne in heaven.  Not too shabby.  So in essence, nobody really "killed" Jesus;

it was more like a fraternity hazing, or an early version of "Fear Factor" where you endure all kinds of shit to win a valuable prize.  Way to go Jesus, and way to go Jews for  helping him keep it real.

The President wants to make a Constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage?  Hey Georgie, I think you've got enough on your plate right now... what with the war, and the economy.  Why don't you leave those nice people alone and let them pick out their china patterns (and ass fuck) in peace.

Written & Submitted by
Gary From TSHIRTHELL.com

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