More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com
Confusion In Iraq Causes Locals To Go Loco

BAGHDAD , IRAQ - Coalition Provisional Authority spokesman Dan Senor has announced that Iraqis are stockpiling marshmallow fluff, mouse-traps, pencils and other odd items in government run buildings all over the city of Najaf and other cities all over Iraq. Meanwhile U.S. forces are parked just outside the city pointing and laughing at the harmless chaos.

Senor said no-one knows why the Iraqis are collecting these items but it seems pretty harmless. The stockpiling reports came from top coalition civilian administrator Paul Bremer, who had heard it from the two sane concerned Iraqis in Najaf.

Ax Man
Locals Mix It Up By Waving Sharp Axes At
Smoke And Burning Shells Of Automobiles

U.S. Soldiers have said they are enjoying watching the crazy locals mix it up by waving sharp axes at smoke and burning shells of automobiles from a far.

Lt. Sam Dirnalo said of this scene of hilarity, "This is one of the most hilarious things I have ever seen. These Iraqis are running around flapping their arms and waving fish singing "Don't Bring Me Down" by ELO in Iraqi dialect of course. It's like something you'd expect to see on The Chapelle Show, but it's real so it makes it even funnier."

Lakhdar Brahimi, the U.N. envoy leading a team that is helping Iraq develop a transitional government, said Sunday that "This is only another fine example why the U.S. should just leave the country and the pesky problem of Iraqi citizens being in the way of all of the oil will take care of itself within weeks. I'm confident the Iraqis will "Take Care Of" all their fellow countrymen quicker than the U.S. ever could!"

Written by Faux-Newz Staff Writer
Tha Mike

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