More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com
Creu's Crisis Center

Your IN

Verizon has been well into their newly launched you’re in program. They have been promoting this as the greatest thing ever. Now seeing how out of every 10 people you know with cell phones only 2 to 3 might be with verizon.
Which verizon realizes. So they try to get new users with this great idea. Well I also have an idea. Being that most wireless companies all have a basic 3 digit number that all their phone numbers start with. Everyone in the Verizon network should start to randomly dialing other verizon customers all day long and all night long. Fuck um.
If they want to promote their Asses off about this oh so wonderful thing let them learn what the public can do to really piss people off. Let Verizon satellites and towers become so overloaded with free calls they shit their cell phones out their Asses at the next boardroom meeting.
The basic thought here is lets start fucking ALL of the big business companies. They have fucked us long enough. It’s time for the people to stand up and realize we can change shit if we really wanted to.
Fuck you, fuck me, and fuck everyone involved with life.


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