More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com
Satan: "With Bush In Office, My Job Has Never Been Easier"

THE HORRY NETHERWORLD - The Devil was overheard saying to his advisors earlier this week that he has enjoyed sitting back and watching the world burn to ashes without any of his will being imposed on the human race.

Satan said, "With Bush In Office, My Job Has Never Been Easier! I now find myself with so much free time. I've been able to do things I haven't been able to do for years."

Faux-Newz sources close to Beelzebub report that he has been golfing with some friends frequently, catching up on a millennium of lost sleep, taking his dog for a walk & playing dominos in the park. He has even been able to finally finish reading the Old Testament.

He was also hear saying, "Bush is so evil, that I may have to get off my hiatus before the November elections and make sure he gets reelected. If I don't I'll be out of a job shortly when he takes over the reigns in hell. For the next month or so, I think I’ll go lay on a beach, drink some Corona and watch the world all but end under Bush's control."

Satan Hits The
Links In His Newly
Found Spare Time

Written by Faux-Newz Staff Writer
Tha Mike

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