More Than Ever Before.
By thamike.com
Democratic Unnatural Convention

Yes, the Democratic Unnatural Convention is underway. Can you feel the excitement? The air feels like it's practically burning when I pee. I thought I'd give a few tips for anyone traveling to the convention or even for those watching it on TV.

If you're planning on attending the convention you should know that some of those hookers aren't really ladies; and I don't just mean they have bad manners. Don't wait until they've ass raped you, beaten you with a lead pipe, and thrown your naked jizm and blood soaked body in a dumpster to find out. The best thing to do is when you approach a hooker in Boston you should ask...

"Are you one of those ones that looks like a lady, but is really a dude, with a penis?" Remember, safety first. The good thing is you don't have to wear a condom. In honor of the convention, all of the hookers are disease free.

The next thing to remember, is when you attend the convention is to leave your pointy ears at home. It's not that kind of convention you lonely, pathetic, pimple faced, Postal playing, fanboy, loser. That is not one of those tree people from Lord of the Rings, it's John Kerry. That is not a Klingon Warrior, it's just Janet Reno. You, on the other hand, should just take whatever hooker you can get, and just be grateful. Remember to hide your bus fare underneath the dumpster.

A lot of you may heard that Ronald Reagan will be addressing the crowd, and are looking forward to seeing a cool, rotting, zombie of an ex-president lumbering through the convention killing delegates and eating their brains. This is not the case. Apparently there is an effeminate little man who is also called Ronald Reagan there to discuss something called stem cell research. This is just a fancy name for the old, "101 uses for a dead baby" routine. While this sounds like something that might be funny, it is in fact boring.

If you should encounter Hillary Rodham Clinton, it is appropriate to address her as, "Your Former First Lady Senatorness" and not by the more familiar, " Wassup, bitch?" Try not to stare at her giant legs, do avoid her atomic breath, and whatever you do, please refrain from asking, "Are you one of those ones that looks like a lady, but is really a dude, with a penis?"

For those of you planning to watch it on TV, you might want to know that as an alternative, they've just released a special VIP edition of the movie, "Showgirls". Yes, Elizabeth Berkley has an enormous flat ass that resembles two loaves of French bread placed side by side, but overall this movie is a real gem. I believe it includes a deleted scene with her taking a cumshot full in the face. Or that might be on the VIP edition of "Saved by the Bell" Season 4. Either one will be a better choice.

Written & Submitted by
Gary From TSHIRTHELL.com

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